Thou Drewest
For you the moment is close incredible
with vodka & cherries float nitrogen
three disparates
we drank the sea until indelible
burned until the sunup, and androgyne—
until we cicatrix
somehow there is a mirror in me to we.
Perhaps little and obvious though
muddy metal
Thou Drewest what Thou Drew: study and see
we weren’t there in all after or so
thought settles
A cover won’t heal us, mean you, a salve
And how, any webster is a woman
a man a psaltery
instructions, would there were, for our scabs
easy as laundry tags
tumble dry low use thee no iron
only cold water
Drew Webster finished the MFA program at Colorado State University in 2015. He recently returned to Fort Collins, Colorado to live and write with his partner, Cassandra Eddington.